
DONALD TRUMP'S BAN ON MUSLIMS | Celebrities React to Muslim's Ban in America

2017-01-30 1 Dailymotion

Celebrities React To Trump’s #MuslimBan With Anger And Calls To Action
Hollywood reacted in horror to the news of President Donald Trump’s executive order blocking all refugees from Syria, as well as barring citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries for the next 90 days.

Many celebrities who have been actively challenging Trump’s presidency criticized the refugee ban by sharing personal anecdotes and calls to action on social media.

Pakistani-born “Silicon Valley” star Kumail Nanjiani, who was accosted by Trump supporters in a Los Angeles bar last year, posted a series of tweets that highlighted the ban’s fundamental flaw and pointed to the damaging effects the policy will have on Muslims in and outside American borders.
How to make terrorists:

1. Ban everybody from a certain group from entering the country.
2. Wait.
9:24 PM - 28 Jan 2017
43,835 43,835 Retweets 94,849 94,849 likes
Kumail Nanjiani ✔ @kumailn
As someone who was born in Pakistan I can tell you coming into America is VERY difficult. A #Muslimban accomplishes nothing but hate.
11:24 PM - 28 Jan 2017
13,212 13,212 Retweets 38,028 38,028 likes
Kumail Nanjiani ✔ @kumailn
Hey @mike_pence @SenJohnMcCain @SpeakerRyan, you should be ashamed of yourselves. On your deathbeds you will know you made the world worse.
11:26 PM - 28 Jan 2017
3,729 3,729 Retweets 11,708 11,708 likes
Kumail Nanjiani ✔ @kumailn
You're saying to a billion people "You're all the same. You're all dangerous to us." Children hear this. You breed evil here & everywhere.
11:40 PM - 28 Jan 2017
5,680 5,680 Retweets 12,514 12,514 likes
Kumail Nanjiani ✔ @kumailn
There are a billion and a half Muslims in the world. If we were all dangerous you wouldn't be around to sign a #MuslimBan
11:49 PM - 28 Jan 2017
4,907 4,907 Retweets 11,722 11,722 likes
Kumail Nanjiani ✔ @kumailn
There are ppl w Green Cards who can't get back into the country. Their country. They jumped thru all the hoops to prove they belong here.
12:10 AM - 29 Jan 2017
2,257 2,257 Retweets 6,741 6,741 likes
Actress Alyssa Milano shared a photo of herself and her friend Alaa Mohammad Khaled to show solidarity with those harmed by the ban.

“My best friend, Alaa Mohammad Khaled, is Muslim. His parents were Palestinian refugees. His brother is DJ Khaled. #RefugeesWelcome,” she wrote.

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Alyssa Milano ✔ @Alyssa_Milano
My best friend, Alaa Mohammad Khaled, is Muslim. His parents were Palestinian refugees. His brother is DJ Khaled. #RefugeesWelcome
9:51 PM - 28 Jan 2017
556 556 Retweets 2,572 2,572 likes
Comedian Seth Rogen urged his Twitter followers to join him in a protest outside the Federal Immigration Office in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon.

Seth Rogen ✔ @Sethrogen
LA Protest on #Muslimban TODAY 1-5 at Federal Immigration Office, 300 N. Los Angeles St. http://tinyurl.com/jzk488a
12:56 AM - 29 Jan 2017
2,874 2,874 Retweets 7,244 7,244 likes
Director Michael Moore extended a direct apology to “our Muslim neighbors in the world,” reiterating that most Americans didn’t support Trump in the election.

Michael Moore ✔ @MMFlint
To our Muslim neighbors in the world: I & tens of millions of others are so very sorry. The majority of Americans did not vote 4 this man.
11:30 AM - 28 Jan 2017
38,489 38,489 Retweets 82,652 82,652 likes
Check out more responses from celebrities standing in defiance of Trump’s anti-Muslim ban below:

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Miley Ray Cyrus ✔ @MileyCyrus

2:06 AM - 29 Jan 2017
21,638 21,638 Retweets 54,571 54,571 likes
kerry washington ✔ @kerrywashington
Sick to my stomach today about the #MuslimBan
Don't understand why? Go to @Stl_Manifest & learn the awful history of US rejecting refugees
2:03 AM - 29 Jan 2017
3,040 3,040 Retweets 6,810 6,810 likes
Emmy Rossum ✔ @emmyrossum
Refugees are FLEEING TERROR. They are not terrorists. #muslimban
12:38 AM - 29 Jan 2017
4,843 4,843 Retweets 10,641 10,641 likes
FollowJudd Apatow ✔ @JuddApatow
Will Follow
Chloë Grace Moretz ✔ @ChloeGMoretz
Stand up everyone ! https://twitter.com/corybooker/status... …
12:16 AM - 29 Jan 2017
316 316
Debra Messing ✔ @DebraMessing
To All Trumpsters & BernieBros alike, who, with dripping contempt, called me a "Fearmonger" --F¥ck You. #Muslimban #wall
12:19 AM - 29 Jan 2017
1,551 1,551 Retweets 5,523 5,523 likes
zoe kazan ✔ @zoeinthecities
.@realDonaldTrump FYI this endangers our armed forces in the future. Who would want to help us, when this is how we repay interpreters? https://twitter.com/malcolmnance/stat...
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